Saturday, January 29, 2011

How This Blog Was Created

I'm glad you're visiting my blog!  I would recommend highly that anyone who wants to start one, SHOULD!

For those who care, this blog actually consists of 11 different blogs.  I did that because most blogging sites only allow ONE blog page (where you can enter daily blogs) per site.  You can add other pages, but would not be able to blog on them -- they are considered "Static" pages.  (My "ABOUT" page is the example of a "static" page).

I wanted blog pages on EVERY page (except the "ABOUT") page.  In order to do that, I created blog sites for each subject.  Then, I made sure that each of the sites had the same "Template Design".  To link them together, I added an HTML gadget under the header that has the following code:

<li><a href="">Chick of All Trades Home</a></li>
<li><a href="">Chick's Tips</a></li>
<li><a href="">Chicky Ponderings</a></li>

Replace the item in RED with the page (blog) YOU want it to go to and the HIGHLIGHTED item with the name of the tab.

You can add as many lines as you want -- just copy the code and copy it under the next one.  Just be sure you have <ul> (meaning Unordered List) before the list and </ul> at the end of the list.  Be sure you have <li> before each line item and close each line item with </li>.)

That's it!!

If you have any questions, please leave me a comment and I will try to answer it for you.  Have fun!


T.K. Goforth is a musician and author of the well-received book "Chord Piano is Fun!" She also writes a music blog called "Chord Piano Chick's Mostly Musical Musings.
Chord Piano Is Fun